The platform is led by an active Bord of Executives followed by the Network Preachers 

Anany Kasongo

Board's President (Founder)

Assistant Pastor at Allington Baptist Church, Accredited Preacher in the Britain Methodist Church. Co-founder of Crossover Project, a Spiritual lead service based in the United Kingdom. Served as a missionary in Brazil.

Bellarmee Milosi

Executive Coordinator (Co-Founder) 

Local (Licensed) Pastor in the United Methodist Church. Gospel Singer/Songwriter & Worship Leader. Served as a missionary in the Philippines.

Brenda Massana

Treasurer & Head of Intercession Department 

Lievin Nsuka

Senior Preacher's Network Coordinator

Julien Myles

Falone Mbuyi

Associate to the office of Intercession 


Narcisse Kyakutala

Associate to the office of Intercession 

Nyasha Matswayi

Kerith Nsuka-Meya

Associate Preacher's Network Coordinator


Charles Mutumpa

Pastor in the United Methodist Church 

Merveille Bupe